*We will be Closed Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day * Remembering and Honoring All Who Served*

Recreational Classes

Recreational Classes We Offer

New Class Schedule

Our new classes start August 7
Enrollment is Open!

1 hour class/week - $98.00/month
$35 Registration Fee upon enrollment
Sibling discounts and multiple class discounts available.
We offer a Free Trial for your first class * Option available on Registration Form
**Trials can be scheduled after August 7th**

Please see our Recreational Policies and Gym Closings/Holiday Schedule

Mini-Rays (Girls, ages 5-7)

Son-Rays (Girls, ages 8-12)

Home School Girls Gymnastics (Girls, ages 5-12)

Jr Elite (Girls, ages 5-7)

Our Jr Elite classes are for those gymnasts that are ready for the next level. The classes meet once a week for 1 1/2 hours, and are based upon coach recommendation and evaluation.

Elite (Girls, ages 8-12)

Our Elite classes are for those gymnasts that are ready for the next level. The classes meet once a week for 1 1/2 hours, and are based upon coach recommendation and evaluation.